Or ... down and sleeping more like it! The group arrived safe but a bit worn after a delay in departure from Amsterdam due to a change in aircraft. I don't know about you, but I am always glad when they change aircraft as opposed to having flown in one that they considered changing!
They are now all settling in at the Heron Court Hotel in Nairobi into a comfortable bed and possibly even with a nice shower! They reported no troubles, which means no one got sick on the flight we think.
An additional number to add to the contact list is (011 254) 713-957-737. Remeber Kenya is 8 hours ahead of our time. Marcus will have that cell in his possession and later it will be the one used by the BSM girls, Jessica and Suheily, staying at Mattaw an extra two weeks.
Ok, we'll do our best to keep you posted! Feel free to send us updates you may hear from team members directly.