The only way to sum up today was “Wow”. During my scripture reading this morning, God gave me Psalm 23 for the team today. I thought “God, that is a real bummer verse for the breakfast team meeting”, “Do you have anything better?” The answer was “ok if you need something else, here is John 9 regarding the man who was born blind”. What a great combination, I am with you and what you see today will glorify God. This was what I had.
When I sat down, the rest of the team had not arrived and the hostess asked what I was reading and proceeded to read Psalms 23 and John 9 out loud in the restaurant. I explained that was the message I had for today as all of us were going to either Mathare or Kibera [two huge slums] and that they may feel they were in fact walking through the valley of the shadow death. But it was key that we not judge, but rather look for God.
She said “she didn’t much care for church since all they want is money”. I explained that for me church was so much more and the opportunity to worship and grow close to God. She said “she really liked what I believed”, thanked me and returned to work. No sooner than she left, Lindsay showed up followed by Jessica and Suheily. I told them of the verses and Jessica beamed telling me that was the verse God gave her last night.
We all had breakfast and our morning sharing time with the verses shared with all. I did not know what was to happen today, but I knew it would be big. The teams split with the Mattaw team going to Kibera and the Health & Youth teams to Mathare. I cannot report on what happened in Kibera yet, but will tell you about our visit to Mathare.
All of the people we saw were HIV positive and all in severe poverty. I want to tell you about the ones I met. If I have never walked in the valley of the shadow of death, I have now!
Connie (real names NOT used): HIV positive, recovering from TB, has 6 children and 3 grandchildren. She takes care of all of them. She is not able to work due to her health
Carol: HIV positive, husband is alcoholic and takes all the money to drink and then returns expecting food. She is overwhelmed and has thought of suicide. She has two living children (one who has HIV), one who recently died and is again pregnant.
Emma and Thomas: both HIV positive and not working due to the massive unemployment in Kenya. In the midst of hunger and pain, Thomas accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior this morning. What a glorious time. (So John 9) and
Jody: caring for a 2 year old. The mother died last month and dad is either dead or gone.
God was there, in the pain, the tears, the starvation, the dirt, the smell and poverty. The last or perhaps the first place to find God. We were so blessed. We had been able to purchase some food (flour, cooking fat, sugar) plus soap. Each home was invited to come to Benson’s church and pick up a bag. You have never seen such joy and it is thanks to Christ through Calvary.
The rest of the afternoon was spent brainstorming with Hope AIDS Mission International (H.A.M.I.) about strengthening their ministry to these families while Kim and Angela had a meeting with the church women. Expect other emails and photos to follow.
Blessed beyond belief,
Charles R. "Bob" Smith
Executive Director
Valley AIDS Council, Inc